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Ever had an intimate conversation with a perfect stranger? 

One of those conversations where you found yourself sharing the unimaginable?

At Rapport, this is our mantra.  

We have these conversations every single day with our customers.

Rapport Researchers are a different breed.

We are a team of curious, empathetic, and creative qualitative

researchers who are fascinated by human behavior.


We're obsessed with having intimate conversations, not rigid, formal interviews…we’ve traded ‘rigid’ for rapport.

Principal | Chief Moment Maker



Monique is Principal and Founder of Rapport Marketing Research, LLC.   Previously an international research manager at IBM, Director of Qualitative at New American Dimensions, and being multi-racial herself, she lives and works at the intersection of cultures. Her passion for designing qualitative research that delivers startling, human moments underpins all the work we do.

We uncover human truths that transform relationships between brands and consumers.

Traditional research methods often call for a clinical, detached approach.  

Our approach? Respondents are partners, not research subjects. We believe that good in-culture research takes its cues from anthropology and behavioral psychology. We engineer creative and participatory research methodologies that bring marketing strategists and consumers together, for true “in their shoes” experiences.

You can find us on non-traditional sites including homes, restaurants, museums and park benches.   When we aren’t physically there, our technology is.  We leverage consumers' everyday use of mobile to capture holistic portraits of their journey and the moments that matter.

We'd love to see your name here.

Our clients are brave.  They leave their offices, climb in the trenches, and spend real time with real customers.

Sometimes they get a little dirty.  But we think they like it. 

Contact us for a proposal, to brainstorm...

or for hotel recommendations!

Rapport Marketing Research, LLC

4030 S. Jones Blvd, Suite 31619 | Las Vegas, NV | 89173



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